Friday, 18 December 2009

Winters Greetings

Wishing you a cosy winter time! From the ACE Foundation.

For more photographs of Bury Farm in the snow, please see our albums on facebook.

magic word: magic night

Thank you all those who attended the Magic Word event in December, it was certainly a magical occasion.
It is undoubtedly challenging getting together an audience for something you can't easily describe, and even more so when its forecast for snow! Thankfully our audience were not perturbed by the predicted weather conditions and the snow only added to the magic!
On entering people were unassuming and apprehensive perhaps, the intrepid explorers became more intrepid and by the last few, they were definitely snowmen!
The different acts proved suitably varied and provoked mixed responses. An unusual collection, the acts all sparked the audiences imaginations with croc E moses proving to be a substantial success all round! With lighting, music, moves and words all carefully choreographed and lovingly crafted it was a performance like no other.
In just a few hours so many transformations occurred. Not only was everyone much clearer on what it was they had come to see, and that they would recommend most of it to their friends, but the world outside had translated the magic into a white carpet over EVERYTHING!
Truly a night to remember.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Jazz Day with Alan Barnes

Plans are in motion, this inspirational day is booked for 4th July at West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge.
Alan Barnes, a favourite British saxophonist, will be leading the day and all of you will be following and taking your own tangents! All players of any jazz-friendly instrument are invited so long as they have a minimum of grade 3 reading skills. More masterclasses and lunchtime jazz sessions are all included.
To find out more go to:
For flyers contact:

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Attingham Trust update

Since 2005 we have annually sponsored a European student to attend the Attingham Trust Summer School in the UK.
This is a three-week intensive course which explores country houses, their collections and their relation to their landscape, all in the context of todays world. Aimed at professional in the field of collections and display it attracts an interesting selection of people all with different experiences and knowledge. The responses to the course are always inspirational and reinforce the excellence of the program which includes field specialists and privileged visits to Britain's heritage houses.
The 2010 course will run from 2nd-20th July and will give the scholars an opportunity to visit 25 historic houses.
The Attingham Trust run two other annual courses; the Royal Collection Studies course and the Study Program. These are shorter more specialised programs.
Photographs from the Attingham Trust

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

National Youth Jazz Collective

A small course we went to in December resulted in a fantastic blast of jazz and confirmed that people do just want to play! And to learn!
The ACE Foundation also made a small contribution to the course.
Photographs by Trevor Barlow

Monday, 14 December 2009

ACE Study Tours. New brochure.

Its that time of year again! The ACE Study Tour brochure is now out! Call 01223 835 055 to request a paper copy or search for your perfect trip at:

Friday, 11 December 2009

British Archaeology Summer School

In July 2010 a fleet of students will arrive from America and Canada ready to experience the delights of Cambridge and the heritage of Britain.
At Corpus Christi's request, the ACE Foundation are directing the school, planning out their stay and ensuring they will have the most appropriate cultural experience.
It is a four-week long program where the students will be introduced to the archaeology of Britain by top Cambridge Professors and specialists. They will stay within Corpus' own accommodation and the course includes a four-day trip to Wessex when they will visit the iconic sites of archaeological wonder.
Running such trips is nothing new for ACE in the 60's & 70's similar programs were devised by, what was then, the Association for Cultural Exchange again for American Students. These were a huge success so we dug out the archives to inspire us for this one! Obviously there were a few things that needed updating....!

Thursday, 10 December 2009

The Cambridge Clarinet & Saxophone Day

We are now taking bookings for this popular event. If you are a clarinet or sax player of any age and any ability call us quickly on 01223 499 707 to book your place!
(See further down the page for more details!)

Friday, 4 December 2009

magic word: a night of words in many guises

Thursday 17th December - 19.30 doors 20.00 startACE are underwriting this delicious winter occasion featuring 3 wordsmiths at the Junction, Cambridge. The event features Hollie McNish, formerly of Reading, now of Cambridge; croc E moses, from Canada, Swaziland and South Africa; and Cultivater, a local Cambridge duo.
The event is multicultural and mixes genres. There will be a post gig workshop on the weekend and 25% of proceeds will got to Gone Rural boMake in Swaziland. Tickets can be purchased from the Junction at:

Thursday, 3 December 2009

HRSFC and Ndamase Secondary School

This North-South exchange program, between Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge and Ndamase Secondary School, Eastern Cape, South Africa, has been trying to raise funds for the Ndamase choir to come to Cambridge. The initial intention was to bring the choir over for the annual carol concert but the visit has had to be postponed to 2010. The idea of the exchange is to encourage both schools to look beyond their immediate surroundings and engage in global issues. The fundraising being instigated now will also go towards a Solar Connect Project which aims to introduce solar powered PCs to the Eastern Cape Schools, allowing communication through the internet via the mobile phone grid. If you would like to make a contribution or find out more about events please contact the college directly at:

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Aldeburgh Music

The ACE team went on a little jaunt to Aldeburgh in November to see how things are done at Snape Maltings. It was a beautiful day and we thoroughly enjoyed our tour round the site and then a short stroll along the beach. We went in light of what might or might not happen at Bury Farm and met Mr Jonathan Reekie the Chief Executive of Aldeburgh Music to discuss with him our ideas. The day was a great refresher, helping to clarify our ideas and strategies.
For further photos see our facebook page.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Sketches of Bury Farm

Since developing our plans at Bury Farm, the ACE Foundation has been submitting articles to the local newsletter in Stapleford, the Stapleford Messenger. Last month we made a request for any photographs of the site from when it was still a working farm. Whilst photo's seem to be lost, June Heafford sent us these beautiful sketches of the site.

New Hall College Art Collection

Cambridge Sculpture Trail
In preparation for a visiting Chinese Orchestra in Summer 2011 Trevor Barlow and Rosemary Bangham of the ACE Foundation went to visit Murray Edwards (formerly known as New Hall) College to explore their facilities. We were delighted with the site and were reminded that there is a magnificent art collection at the college as well as an exciting Sculpture Trail around Cambridge. If you get a chance it is well worth a look!

Hills Road Sixth Form College South African Exchange

The HRSFC netball team with students at the Ndamase Secondary School 2008
The Cambridge Sixth Form College has, for a number of years, had an exchange program with the Ndamase Secondary School in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Exchange is mostly based on running events in parallel at the respective schools but has also involved the HRSFC netball team visiting them in South Africa. This year it was decided that the Ndamase School choir should come over to England to sing with HRSFC for their annual carol concert. Naturally the differing economic climates of the two countries favours travel in the other direction so HRSFC and the Ndamase school have been actively fundraising in order to effect the exchange. The ACE Foundation have made a contribution to their efforts but they are still short. If anyone wishes to make a contribution please contact us at ACE and we will put you in touch with the college.
Children at the Ndamase Secondary School dancing 2008

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

The Martyrdom of Latimer - Adam Pounds

One damp and dark Autumn evening the ACE team went on a little excursion up to Ely to experience the world premiere of the Martyrdom of Latimer, a dramatic composition by Stapleford's very own composer, Adam Pounds. In this magnificent setting the success of the piece was magnified tenfold, congratulations Adam!

Something natural

Looking through this page it would be easy to forget that the ACE Foundation is not just about music! Our subject portfolio covers art, design, architecture, music, archaeology, history, development, science, and the natural world too! One of our ACE Study Tour course directors, natural historian Kevin Hand spent a Sunday afternoon on site at Bury Farm exploring the current habitat and thinking about how we could create a wildlife sanctuary there. Given the ditch at the bottom of the site we are thinking of allowing a little wetland area to develop.... what might you spot whilst sipping a mocha and watching the world go by....?
Picture - Our Wilderness at Bury Farm

Barcodes - Science and Music at School

Once you've thought about it, it makes some sense! Why not teach science with music? Paul Brooke Barnes, ACE Foundation General Secretary, went along to the final concert produced by four Cambridgeshire schools, a composer and two scientists. They were exploring the correlations between DNA and Music sequences, how both can be repeated, mutated, reflected and varied. A great addition to the Cambridge Music Festival we thought.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Cambridgeshire Primary Schools Singing Network

The ACE Foundation sponsored the venue for this very successful concert. The achievement of the children and their coaches was incredible, well done all round!

Monday, 9 November 2009

Thank you

A big thank you to Great & Little Shelford C of E Primary School for raising £500.00 to go to the Mathieson Music School in Calcutta.
Picture from the Mathieson Music School

Progress at Bury Farm

Measurements are being made, grounds are being cleared. Excitement still mounting!

Friday, 30 October 2009

Fauna & Flora International recognise the ACE Foundations valuable contributions in the world

We have a long and strong relationship with the FFI and they recently mentioned our valued support in their annual publication; Fauna & Flora Magazine. They acknowledged our clear insight into their aims as well as thanking us. The recognition was within the issue which was focusing on capacity building and the need for conservation that is understood by the communities local to the changes and not just by strangers coming in, this clearly links with the ACE Foundations concerns of sustainability in todays world.
Thank you to you too Fauna & Flora International!
Picture from the FFI

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Grain storage units for FREE

In our beautiful building there are some HUGE grain containers as well as some old farm machinery. If anyone knows of anywhere that might be interested in having them please let us know. Going free to anyone prepared to dismantle them. Please call 01223 499 707.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Bury Farm Presentation Evening

On the 10th September we introduced our ideas to the village of Stapleford. The event was a great success with a brilliant turn out and fantastic atmosphere. Everyone was excited about what we were offering and now it is simply a case of waiting in anticipation for everything to fall into place. Thank you everyone who attended and thank you for all the ideas that were circulated.

Bury Farm pre rennovation

photograph by Dr. Alec Bangham

Cambridge Clarinet & Saxophone Day

Clarinet & Sax day with James Rae, supported by Wood, Wind & Reed
On the 28th February join us for masterclasses and mini ensembles, as well as a lunchtime Jazz Concert by Josh Ison & Alex Merrit, and quick-fire accessory clinics, at Sawston Village College. Our star guest is James Rae and there will be opportunities to lean about your instrument and buy accessories and Music from Wood, Wind & Reed. The day will be concluded with a concert in which all course participants will be involved.
For application information please contact us.
Email: Tel. 01223 499 707.

Bury Farm

A new site on the horizon.
The ACE Foundation is now the proud owner of a beautiful old farm site in Stapleford Cambridgeshire. Conversion begins this month starting by bringing life back into the main rooms turning them into office spaces. The next steps will see the buildings transformed into an active hive for workshops and music courses, planning permitting.
The purchase of this site reflects our expansions plans which focus on music and the arts in Cambridgeshire and worldwide. The first notes will be of Clarinets & Saxophones at Sawston Village College on the 28th February and the second, a jazz day at West Road. Keep following to find out more information.

Philip Brooke Barnes

We regret that Philip Brooke Barnes, the founder of ACE, passed away on the 27th July this year. His presence will always be recognised throughout all the Foundations activities.

ACE Blogs

The ACE Foundation is joining blogger!
We are following trends and taking on the responsibility of keeping anyone interested informed of our day-to-day or at-least week-to-week activities.
For now we are still exploring the possibilities of this communication platform but we hope to keep you up to date on what we have on offer. For example, music courses we are implementing, the progress at Bury Farm, and the additions to our grants portfolio.
We hope you enjoy reading this and please keep us informed of your thoughts via: