Friday, 15 April 2011


Photos and videos of Flute Day, Bassoon Day and Clarinet Ensemble Day are now available to view on flickr and facebook.
More videos to follow on Facebook shortly!

A Forest of Bassoons & a Choir of Clarinets

Thank you to all those who attended Bassoon Day with Philip Turbett & Graham Dolby and Clarinet Ensemble Day with James Rae on the 10th April.
44 Bassoon players attended and 4 contra bassoons. As well as playing as a full ensemble, we were also treated to some music by smaller ensembles including my particular favorite, flight of the Bumblebee by the senior players.
Intermediate and advanced Clarinet players had the chance to work on some advanced clarinet choir pieces including music by James Rae and music arranged by Jon Halton.
Videos and Pictures of both events will be posted shortly on our Flickr and Facebook pages.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

String Day Photos.

A selection of photos from String Day are now available to view on flickr, please click on the slide show on the right.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Ever fancied writing a short story or even a novel?

Sign up for our 8 week introduction to creative writing with award winning local author Jo Browning Wroe. For more information or to book a place please visit our website

Flute Day flight of the Bumblebee now on Facebook!

Watch the video of Flute day Flight of the Bumblebee rehearsal on our facebook page